Hey, hey wassup! alahai, sumpah lama tak update blog. Malas gila..rajin chatting ja~ Buat kerja pun malas jugak neh. Hahaha. Hope you guys are doing great and have a wonderfully blastful life. Cewahh..blastful tak tak tahan tuh. Anyway, I know Chinese New Year holiday is already over like what, 3 weeks ago? Tapi sekarang baru rajin nak cerita-ceriti about aktiviti during Chinese New Year hari tu. So how's you guys punya holiday? Best tak? Hehe..I hope it is still not too late to wish all my Chinese friend who celebrate Chinese New Year, a belated Happy Chinese New Year. Tahun arnab kan this year? Oh comel~!
Pantai Teluk Senangin at the break of dawn
Teruja tak tengok gambar teluk ne? AHA..saje jer kan letak gambar preview. Anyway, during the CNY holiday, I was invited to join Ester and her ninja teammates for a holiday at Perak. She was invited by her ex-schoolmate (a senior) for a trip to Pantai Teluk Senangin, fishing and just lepak-lepak by the beach. Event invitation at Facebook was created like 2 months before, so for 2 months lah saya menahan excitement for another roadtrip. Arghhhh~ lambat gila masa berlalu! Then when the day comes, macam sangat excited because my other bestfriend, Jo-c is flying down to KL with her baby son, Bry to join us. Happy gila! Ada 3 kereta yang pergi and there were 10 of us. Whoa..ramai! The journey takes more than usual hour because of the traffic. Jem gila! Cuti kan..semua orang pun nak balik kampung. Imagine the traffic kat toilet..wuuu~ Beli ayam KFC pun sampai sejam sebab staff yang jaga kaunter sangat sopan-santun dan berhemah masa nak pack ayam saya dan Floe dalam box. Adoilah~ T_T
Okai, cut the story short, after meeting with Ester's senior, Kak Jai diberi nama, we followed her to Pantai Teluk Senangin which is situated somwhere near Lumut. Kak Jai brought along her 'team' so memang meriah gila as there were like 6 cars and few motorcycle. Haha..Imagine the confusion and the hassle at the traffic light and when one of the cars tertinggal belakang. The journey itself took us the whole day which brought out the impatience of almost all of us. Saya dengan Floe dah merepek-merepek dah kat dalam kereta. Okai, pembetulan, saya yang merepek. Floe tukang gelak. Tapi dia pun join sekali buat lawak. Hehe. Izzat dengan Sazali cam sabar jelah layan saya dan Floe. All in all, the journey tak boring sebab diorg nie semua hillarious. Best!
The view of Pantai Teluk Senangin dari Rumah kami =)
Okai so this was where stayed for the night. A homestay house. Betul-betul klasik macam duduk rumah kampung. The house was quite spacious with 3 rooms, a spacious kitchen, one bathroom cum toilet and a hall. A perfect 'rumah kampung'. Orang didepan berlari, orang yang dibelakang akan merasa gegaran nya. Haha. As we arrived macam dah sangat lewat untuk mandi laut *kecewa* so terus prepare for BBQ. Ayam and semua nya was already prepared by Kak Jai (thanx Kak Jai~!) so tukang panggang nya adalah KAMI. ngehehe~ Ester dan Floe masak nasik kat atas rumah sementara the rest of us mengerjakan ayam-ayaman. The other ada yang bancuh air and ada yang bersantai sambil melihat bulan dan bintang~
BBQ session~
Nie adalah senario during BBQ di mana akan ada seorang yang jadi 'chef', seorang menjadi tukang suluh, seorang tukang sapu madu dan berorang-orang tukang kipas dan tukang sembang. HAHA~! Since Kak Jai dah prepare the chicken so I think it would be appropriate for us to take over the barbecueing job. Oh well, janji masak, kira settle lah right? =) After dinner, kami berentap main Tekken 5. Gempak tak? Pergi roadtrip siap bawak PS2. Thanx to Floe we had some entertainment that night. Then as usual, bila dah di tepi pantai, I would never gonna passed a chance to have a night walk by the beach. In some sense, the night walk give me times to think and the tranquility of the surrounding is enough to make a person feel serene. Since everybody else sibuk 'bertarung', saya ajak Mushaiy menemani saya. Terima kasih Mushaiy.. =)
The next day, we went for a morning walk pulak. WE = sesiapa yang bangun. Yang tak bangun tu morning walk dalam mimpi jelah. Hehehe. Indah sungguh alam ciptaan Tuhan. Pantai nya cantik tapi sayangnya, macam tak berapa sesuai untuk mandi, tapi lebih sesuai untuk memancing. Memang ramai la orang fishing di sini. Oh daku sangat keciwaaaaaa~ T_T So gambar-gambar di bawah adalah aktiviti pagi kami di Pantai Teluk Senangin a.k.a morning walk~
Dah nama pun atlet taekwando kan, they train even when at leisure. Cayalah Izzat! The next picture sebelah Izzat tuh..err..Sazali tengah lawan menyelam dengan 2 orang budak kecik. Ngeh ngeh~
Since tiada aktiviti mandi-manda, maka kami beraktiviti main korek pasir dan sembang-sembang sambil tengok gelagat orang, err, ke orang yang tengok gelagat kami, tak kisah lah. Haha.. Punya jauh datang untuk bersembang. But then, bagi mengubati kekecewaan sebab tak dapat mandi, kami buat another plan which is to go somewhere else. Pantai lain, as long as boleh mandi. Malangnya hari dah tengah hari, macam tak sempat nak mandi laut dah. Maka sebulat suara kami bersetuju untuk ke Tambun Lost World (err..hentam jelah!). Before heading to Tambun, Kak Jai took us to Lumut to buy some sotong gula and other souvenires. Macam dah panjang sangat entry merepek nie yang penuh dengan gambar jer. Ehe..saje nak bagi korang jeles. Jeles tak? =P Anyway, entry about our next destination will be written after this so for now, I leave you guys untuk cuci mata tengok gambar-gambar dulu ya? Cheers!
Group photo of us and Kak Jai and her friends =)
me-ester-joscie : friend forever
P/s : Picture credit to Floe. Thanx buddy!